With the advent of technology, which has finally culminated into an unprecedented growth for cold chain logistics and refrigerated transportation. In recent times, it is not even for a second difficult to transport foods and pharmaceuticals from one corner of the country to another without encountering any risk of contamination. AWL has been made possible due to the cold room refrigeration system and warehouse storage where every process is being automated to ensure that the quality of the goods is not compromised under any circumstances.
AWL is India’s fastest growing logistics company powered by cutting-edge technology. It is living up to its name and provides the best facilities to the clients. As is commonly known, cold storage and refrigerated warehousing are the main pillars of cold chain logistics, and both these facilities are taken care of flawlessly by the team at AWL. With the help of our experts, we provide services 24/7 by always being on their toes in terms of providing the consumers with expert packaging, handling and distribution services.
With state-of-the-art temperature-controlled trailers and containers, AWL provides perishable transportation services to several industries including biopharmaceuticals. To ensure that the goods are saved from the decay of any sort, we adhere to the requirements of the temperature-sensitive areas. With AWL’s cold storage refrigeration, we tackle this difficult task with ease. We have a refrigeration warehouse with a private cold storage facility where the products are stored in a conducive environment before making their way to the end-users.
With our temperature-controlled storage cold rooms, even healthcare industries have a lot to gain in terms of keeping intact the quality of medical equipment, syringes, drugs, vaccines, etc. This advantage extends way beyond, enabling even the food & beverages industry to make the most of our cold storage refrigeration system which ensures the product integrity at all temperatures. This is highly valuable given the fact that different food items have a different shelf life and preserving them with complete freshness is quite a task in itself. But with AWL’s diversified and temperature-controlled storage, we can enable our clients to extend the shelf life of the food products and keep the freshness aspect intact.
Again, every process in our refrigerated warehouses is regulated by cold temperature, ensuring end-to-end visibility. We understand that different products demand different storage needs, which can also get complex in the case of some, our dedicated cold storage facility does not lag behind in providing a best-in-class experience. AWL makes use of the latest technology and provides a conducive storage facility that helps stabilise market prices and evenly distribute goods, meeting both the time and demand requirements.
At AWL, the cold rooms are highly spacious, spreading across hundreds and thousands of square feets to provide the best services to the clients. The warehouses are highly valuable in keeping the finished goods cold throughout the whole of the storage period. Apart from this, we provide cold storage to the clients that are highly equipped with other facilities and tools like chillers and blast freezers, refrigerated containers, etc.
We provide a cost-effective and flexible storage solution, which looks no further than the refrigerated container facility available with us. In cases of mobile cold storage and transportation, this can be highly made available. On the other hand, for an instant need to keep something cold right before transportation and distribution, we provide chillers and blast freezers that are the ideal options to go with.
With COVID-19 looming large and with the surge in vaccine demands, AWL enables the healthcare sectors to avail of their dedicated pharmaceutical cold storage facility which is tailored specifically for highly sensitive and expensive pharmaceuticals like blood samples, COVID-19 vaccines, drugs, other medical equipment, etc.
For handling and shipping the temperature-controlled and technology-regulated products and items, our transportation facility covered all these aspects and offered the best services to maintain the quality of the products. We have refrigerated containers and other facilities mentioned above to make sure that the cold storage warehouse facilities extend way beyond just the warehouse storage.
We help in preserving the quality of products that are highly sensitive to temperature changes. Companies always need reliable cold storage companies to get the job done. While technological innovation is important, reliability is all the more significant. With AWL, you can always heave a sigh of relief being assured that the goods will be delivered in a top-shelf condition and on time to your consumers.